Simplicité Software fully shares the vision described in this infographic. Following years of field experience on IS projects, our observation is unquestionable: a triptych cost/time/quality never satisfied, exponential code maintenance, investments that are difficult to amortize and especially user dissatisfaction because of unsuitable solutions.
Businesses still imagine having only the choice of traditional software approaches (specific development, SaaS or non-SaaS software packages, ERP), which turn out to be not in line with the needs of agile organizations and a constantly evolving business.
However, an alternative exists: the “Model Driven” approach allows users to regain power and no longer be captive to publishers and developers. It is a model-driven mode of computer development that makes it possible by nature to decouple the business from the underlying technology and makes it possible to maintain only the models and not the code.
So we designed the platform Simplicité® so that your business activities can finally benefit from agile, reliable, scalable and cost-effective IT support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for a demonstration.