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What's new at Simplicité? Summer 2024

What's new at Simplicité? Summer 2024

Good morning 👋,

The months preceding this late summer were like an innovation tour for Simplicité!

Thus, we were proud to have represented French innovation at the DIRISI Industrial Forum on April 30, then our technological odyssey continued on May 15-16 by participating in the Digital Innovation Makers Summit (IMA) with Peak Time the REX of the Army Health Service.

On June 5-6, we were present to participate in Bouygues Telecom InnoDays alongside the tech giants, little thumb had nothing to be ashamed of!

Finally, on June 11, creativity day took place at Sisley-Paris, where we demonstrated the full power of low-code to the employees present. This tour ended on June 19 and 20 - 48 hours of immersion in the future of Tech during the 10th edition of ITES in Touquet-Paris-Plage.

Very beautiful encounters that marked the end of the school year.

On the menu of this summer newsletter, here is something to keep you busy on the way to vacation.
To all of you, we wish you a very nice summer 🌞

New version Simplicité v6.1 🎉

La V6.1 de Simplicité est sortie

🚀 Our last update was officially released on July 10, it brings a lot of improvements:

✅ Extensive customization: Shortcut bar and list templates.

✅ Increased productivity: Direct editing of list cells and objects.

✅ Improved UX: Advanced status chart with progress bar.

✅ Optimized design: New font and color support on the status tile display.

✅ Redesigned notifications: Visual animation of internal notifications and generation of VAPID keys in one click.

✅ Simplified maker experience: Integrated compatibility check

🔧 Under the hood: Technical update and new hooks

🆕 And above all, don't miss out on:

  • The 3 news lessons in the documentation ➡️
    • Simplified installation via Portainer
    • Data import/export features
    • How widgets work

The integrated AI module (OpenAI, Mistral)

Find all the news here

🤖 Simplicity 🤖 AI module presentation workshop

Atelier de présentation IAbySimplicité

🚀 AI at the service of your productivity, 1 prompt = 1 MVP 🤖💼

While the fever of the Olympic Games grips the country. We give you an appointment on Thursday, August 1st starting at 1.30 pm for an (online) presentation workshop on our integration of AI within Simplicité. Taking advantage of the power of the latest models on the market, the skeleton of your target application is quick, top chrono ⏱️

On the program:

1 ️ ※ Discover the most impacting use cases:

• Generation of models from texts or UML diagrams.
• Smart chatbots.
• Instant creation of contextual business charts.

2 ️ ※ Talk to our experts and share your ideas!

🎯 Objective: Boost your efficiency in creating business applications through AI

I am registering

🧳 Simplicité is recruiting, two permanent positions open 🧳

Recrutement Simplicité

Two positions are available! These strategic recruitments aim to support our development and strengthen our ability to provide an ever more innovative solution to our customers. If you know qualified professionals who might be interested, feel free to share this opportunity with them.

And, for the record, working at Simplicité is...

🏢 Offices in the center of Paris (9th).
🥗 A Swile card, restaurant ticket (14.3€/day).
Occasionally, aperitifs in the office.
🏥 Alan Blue health insurance, which covers more than well.
🎓 The possibility of training throughout your career.
🧑 ‍ 💻 Hardware to choose from upon hiring (PC or Mac).
💶 Bonuses based on the company's results + participation + PEE.
🏠 Teleworking, in hybrid operation.
4 The work week in four days (experiment).

Java/Fullstack engineer

Sales engineer.

💪 Fact, proof that low-code is not disposable 💪

Fact ! L'application la plus ancienne

In June, we celebrated a remarkable milestone: one of the first applications developed with Simplicité was coming to an end after 17 years of good and loyal service 🎂

Codenamed Hermès, this application made it possible to manage the claims process, from the declaration to the payment of Eurisk fees. A subsidiary of the TEXA Group specialized in expertise in damage/construction and construction insurance.

17 years during which the application has improved operational efficiency, strengthened customer relationships and achieved significant economies of scale.

This exceptional longevity shows that:

1. Low-code can create sustainable and scalable solutions.

2. Careful design remains crucial, regardless of the tool.

3. Regular maintenance and updates are essential.

So, the next time we tell you that low-code is only used to make small disposable applications, you will know what to answer 🥲