Portfolio management tool

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Portfolio management tool
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The purpose of the Army Fuel Service (SEA) is to provide oil support to the armed forces wherever they are involved, by being highly responsive and by ensuring the quality of the products distributed and compliance with environmental protection regulations. The SEA is in charge of the supply, storage, transport and distribution of fuels and ingredients (oils, fats, coolants, etc.) for the benefit of French forces, possibly multinationals or allies, whether on French territories or in external operations. The SEA may also intervene in certain circumstances of general interest for the benefit of other beneficiaries, public or private persons.

We got the tool we wanted: tailor-made, integrated, scalable and affordable.

Bertrand Bonnemains
Head of the Information System Office, SEA


As part of the digital transformation of SEA and the rise in maturity of its information system (IS), the “IS” office of the Central Management (DCSEA) wishes to be in a position to respond more quickly to functional needs, instill innovation into the IS and accelerate its developments (Build) and their production (Run).

The Army Essences Service wants to transform its IS organization to gain in responsiveness and productivity using a DevOps platform.

The objective is to benefit from a simple product, practice, modular and mastered. The Simplicité platform makes it possible to boost the processing of business needs and shorten Build/Run times, thereby eradicating shadow IT.


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Three SEA developers are now trained in the platform, and autonomous on the product. The SEA IS office is thus basing part of its internal developments on the platform, gaining in responsiveness, while at the same time having a better “link” with the businesses.

The development by Simplicité Software of a first application dedicated to the IS office to manage its portfolio of projects and services delivered validated the concept of using the platform, while bringing the following advances:

Harmonisation et centralisation du suivi des projets et des SI en service, pour optimiser les temps et gagner en productivité.

Fiabilisation et consolidation des informations aisément accessibles, avec alertes mail pour les jalons.

Amélioration des flux de communication et de remontée d’information, et ce notamment pour les projets transverses.

Responsabilisation des chefs de projet et des responsables d’application.

Optimisation et sécurisation de la politique de pilotage et de maîtrise des risques.